§ 1
Preliminary provisions

  1. trabord.com online shop is available at the same Internet address.
  2. It is run by Jacek Krawczyk Akira with offices in pl. Strzelecki 28, 50-224 Wrocław, Poland
  3. NIP (Tax ID No.) 5991415318 REGON (Official Business Register No.) 211017840
  4. These Terms and Conditions are addressed to both Consumers and Entrepreneurs using the Shop, and they define the principles of using the Online Shop, as well as the rules and procedures for entering into distance Sales Contracts with Clients through the Shop.

§ 2

  1. Consumer – a natural person who concludes a contract with the Vendor as part of the Shop services when
    the subject of the contract is not associated directly with the person’s economic or professional activity.
  2. Vendor – Jacek Krawczyk Akira with offices in pl. Strzelecki 28, 50-224 Wrocław, Poland, NIP (Tax ID No.) 211017840 REGON (Official Business Register No.) 211017840
  3. Client – any entity making a purchase in the Shop.
  4. Entrepreneur – a natural person, legal entity and organisational unit that is not a legal
    entity, granted legal capacity by a separate act, running
    a business on their own behalf and using the Shop.
  5. Shop – online shop run by the Vendor, available at
  6. Distance contract – a contract concluded with a Client, using the organised system of entering into distance contracts (as part of the Shop’s operations), when the Parties are not at the same place physically, exclusively with the use of one or more means of remote communication at all stages, ncluding the moment of conclusion of the contract.
  7. Terms and Conditions – these Terms and Conditions.
  8. Order – a declaration of will of the Consumer, submitted via the Order Form, directly in order to conclude a Product(s) Sales Contract with the Vendor.
  9. Account – a Client’s account in the Shop, where data provided by the Client and information about the Orders placed by the Client are collected.
  10. Registration For – a form available in the Shop to create an Account.
  11. Order Form – an interactive form available in the Shop that allows to submit Orders, in particular by adding Products in the Cart, and determining the conditions of the Sales Contract, including the shipment and payment methods.
  12. Cart – an element of the Shop’s software that presents the Products chosen by the Client for purchase, and allows to determine and modify the Order information, in particular the quantity of products.
  13. Product – a moveable object/service available in the Shop, subject to the Sales Contract between the Client and the Vendor..
  14. Sales Contract – a contract of sale of a Product, conducted or concluded between the Client and vendor via the Online Shop.

§ 3
Contact with the Shop

  1. Vendor e-mail address: contact@trabord.com
  2. Vendor telephone number: +48 732-249-149
  3. The Client may communicate with the Vendor using the addresses and telephone numbers specified in this paragraph.

§ 4
Technical requirements

  1. To use the Shop, see the products offered and place orders for Products, the following are required:
    a. an end device with access to the Internet and an Internet browser;
    b. an active electronic mail (e-mail) address,
    c. allowing the web browser to use cookies.

§ 5
General information

  1. To the extent possible under the applicable laws, the Vendor is not liable for the disturbance in the functioning of the Shop, including interruption of operations, due to force majeure, prohibited actions of a third party, or incompatibility between the Online Shop and the Client’s technical infrastructure.
  2. Viewing of the Shop’s product range does not require creating an Account. Clients can place orders for the Products in the Shop’s product range either using an Account, following § 6 of these Terms and Conditions, or by providing the necessary personal and address data to enable Order implementation without creating an Account.
  3. The prices given in the Shop are gross prices (including VAT). In the case of transactions in the European Union, companies that are active VAT payers in the VIES system (https://ec.europa.eu/) are eligible for a VAT exemption.
  4. The complete (final) cost to be paid by the Client includes the price of the Product and shipment fees (including transportation, delivery and postal services). The Client is informed about these costs at the Shop’s website while placing the Order, including the moment of declaration of will to enter into a Sales Contract.

§ 6
Creating an Account in the Shop

  1. To create an Account in the Shop, a Registration Form must be completed.
  2. Creation of an Account in the Shop is free of charge.
  3. Logging into the Account requires entering the login and password established in the
    Registration Form.
  4. The Client may at any time, without giving a reason and without any cost incurred,
    remove the Account by sending an appropriate request to the Vendor,
    in particular via the e-mail address in § 3.

§ 7
Placing an Order

To place an Order, a Customer must:

  1. log into the Shop (optional) ;
  2. select the Product to be ordered, and press “Add to Cart” button;
  3. log in or place the Order without registration;
  4. if the option of placing the Order without registration has been selected – complete the Order Form by entering the data of the recipient of the Order and the address to which the Product is to be delivered, select the type of delivery (the method of Product delivery), enter the information for the invoice, if they are different than those of the Order recipient,
  5. click the “Order and pay” button,
  6. select one of the available payment methods and, depending on the method of payment, pay for the Order within a specified deadline, except § 8 subparagraph 3.

§ 8
Product delivery and payment methods

  1. Clients may use the following methods of Product delivery:
    a. by courier company;
    b. by courier company, paid by cash on delivery (only for domestic clients).
  2. Clients may use the following payment methods:
    a. cash on delivery (only for domestic clients);
    b. electronic payment;
    c. debit card.
  3. Detailed information about shipment and the accepted payment methods are available at the Shop’s website.
  4. Delivery costs vary according to the weight of the goods, country of delivery, and value of the Order. The delivery cost is calculated on the order page. (EU – Free Shipping, USA – 50euro)

§ 9
Execution of the Sales Contract

  1. The Sales Contract between the client and the Vendor is concluded after an Order has been placed by the Client in the Online Shop with the use of the Order Form, following § 7 of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. If the Client selects:
    a. payment by a bank transfer, by a debit card, or electronic payment, the Client is obliged
    to pay within 1 calendar day from the date of conclusion of the Sales Contract;
    – otherwise, the Order will be cancelled.
    b. Payment by cash on delivery, the Client is obliged to pay upon the delivery.
  3. The period of Product delivery to the Client is calculated as follows:
    a. If the Client selected payment by bank transfer, debit card or electronic payment –
    the delivery period starts from the day on which the Vendor’s account is credited.
    b. If the Client selected payment by cash on delivery – the delivery period starts from the day of conclusion of the Sales
  4. Products are delivered within the European Union. The delivery cost is calculated automatically after the Client has selected the type of delivery.
  5. Product delivery abroad is calculated automatically after the Client has selected the type of delivery.

§ 10
The right of withdrawal

  1. The Consumer may withdraw from the Sales Contract within 14 days, without providing any reason.
  2. The period specified in subparagraph 1 starts when the Product is delivered to the Consumer or a person indicated by the Consumer, other than the carrier.
  3. The Consumer may withdraw from the Contract by submitting a declaration of withdrawal to the Vendor. The deadline for the withdrawal from the Contract is observed if the declaration is sent by the Customer before the time limit expires.
  4. The effects of withdrawal:
    a. In the case of withdrawal from a distance Contract, the contract is considered not to be concluded.
    b. In the case of withdrawal from the Contract, the Vendor immediately returns the payment to the Consumer, no later than within 14 days from the reception of the declaration of withdrawal from the Contract.
    c. The payment will be returned by the Vendor using the payment methods used by the Consumer during the original transaction, unless the Consumer expressly agrees to alternative solution that will not incur any costs for the Consumer.
    d. The Vendor may withhold the reimbursement until the Product is returned.
    e. The Consumer shall send the Product to the Vendor’s address specified in these Terms and Conditions without delay, within 14 days from the date of informing the Vendor about withdrawal from the Contract. The deadline will be observed if the Consumer returns Product before the period of 14 days expires.
    f. The Consumer bears the direct cost of returning the Product, as well as the cost of returning the Product if,
    due to its nature, the Product could not be sent back by post mail in a typical procedure.
  5. The Consumer does not have the right of withdrawal from distance contract:
    a. if the Product under the Contract has been unpacked or used,
    b. if the Product under the Contract is supplied in a sealed packaging, and cannot be returned after opening the packaging due to health risk or for sanitary reasons, provided the packaging was opened after the delivery.

§ 11
Complaints and warranty

  1. Sales Contract covers new Products.
  2. The Vendor is obliged to deliver defect-free goods to the Client.
  3. If the goods purchased from the vendor are defective, the Client has the right to submit a complaint, based on the provisions of the civil code regarding warranty.
  4. The complaint shall be submitted via electronic mail to the Vendor’s address specified in these Terms and Conditions.
  5. It is recommended that the complaint contains a concise description of the defect, circumstance (including the date) of its occurrence, and the data of the Client submitting the complaint.
  6. The Vendor will respond to the complaint no later than within 14 days.
  7. The goods returned as part of the complain procedure should be sent to the address specified in § 3 of these Terms and Conditions.

§ 12
Personal data in the Online Shop

  1. The administrator of Client personal data collected via the Online Shop is the Vendor.
  2. The personal data of Clients collected by the administrator via the Online Shop are gathered for performance of the Sales Contract, and if the Client gives his or her consent, also for the marketing purposes.
  3. The personal data of the Clients of the Online Shop can be shared with the following:
    a. In the case of Clients who use delivery by
    Inpost or a courier company in the Online Shop, the Administrator shares the collected personal data of the Client
    with the selected carrier or intermediary performing the delivery service for the Administrator.
    b. In the case of Clients who use electronic payment or a debit card in the Online Shop, the Administrator shares the collected personal data of the Client with the selected entity processing these methods of payment at the Online Shop.
  4. Client has the right to access and amend their data.
  5. Provision of the personal data is voluntary, although a failure to provide the personal data necessary for entering into a Sales Contract, specified in the Terms and Conditions, results in inability to conclude such contract.

§ 13
Final provisions

  1. Regarding all matters not settled in the Terms and Conditions,
    the general provisions of the Polish law and European Union regulations shall apply.